

Failure to Prevent Fraud

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Section 199 of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 creates a new offence of failing to prevent fraud. The offence is expected to come into force in early...
When advising on the consequences of a criminal conviction, the focus is primarily on the immediate sentence, which can range from a discharge to life imprisonment with no prospect of...

Political Betting

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A man walks into a betting shop or uses a gambling website and places a £100 bet on the date of the general election. Three days later, the Prime Minister...

Illegal TV Streaming

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Most people will have encountered people who sell streaming devices that allow them to access paywalled content, often for a one-off fee as low as £100. Given that many people...
The Investigatory Powers (Amendment) Act 2024 received Royal Assent on 25 April 2024. The government has described the Act as: ‘New laws to protect our citizens from threats such as...
The recent case of HM Solicitor General v Trudi Warner has shone a light on a little-known but now increasingly prominent issue of “jury equity”. The issue is neatly summarised in...

Careless Talk Can Ruin Your Case

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It’s crucial for clients to understand that the information shared with their lawyer is privileged, meaning it will remain confidential in almost all circumstances. This rule, known as legal privilege,...

Cutting Agents and Drugs Sentencing

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It is widespread for drugs to contain an adulterant or cutting agent, and the presence of cutting agents often leads to arguments when it comes to sentencing. There are typically...
In the case of Attorney General’s Reference on a Point of Law No 1 of 2023 [2024] EWCA Crim 243, the Court of Appeal considered the defence of “lawful excuse”...

Fast Track Justice – For Some

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The government has introduced the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Bill before Parliament; if passed, the resultant Act will automatically overturn convictions for certain offences linked to the Post Office...
The latest government statistics give an interesting insight into the continuing prevalence of knife crime in England & Wales. The year-end figure for all knife offences shows a 2% decrease...
Under current legislation, it is illegal for anyone under 18 to purchase or possess a crossbow, and anyone who carries a crossbow in public without reasonable excuse faces up to...


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This week Nicholas Hawkes become the first person to be convicted for the new offence of “Cyber Flashing”. Hawkes sent unsolicited photos of his erect penis to a 15-year-old girl...
Newly published research suggests that pre-recorded evidence in chief and cross-examation, often referred to as “section 28 evidence”, may be more advantageous to the accused that live evidence given in...
The Post Office Horizon affair has been described as one of the UK’s most widespread miscarriages of justice. It has been a long, complicated and contested saga, involving a campaign...

Hey Siri – What’s the answer?

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On occasion, Siri or a Google search may well be able to answer a legal query, but the end-user needs to know whether the information online was accurate when first...
The introduction of X-ray body scanners (XRBS) as part of the Security Investment Programme includes installation of 75 scanners across 74 establishments by the end of March 2022. This initiative...

Cryptoassets and Proceeds of Crime

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The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 has received Royal Assent and, when in force, will implement a large number of changes aimed at fighting economic crime and other...

Rehabilitation of Offenders

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On 28th October 2023 provisions in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 came into effect, enacting changes to the laws in relation to the rehabilitation of offenders. These...

Firearms – Further Reforms

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The Firearms Act 2023 has received Royal Assent and when brought in to force, will introduce a number of regulatory and criminal law reforms. Miniature Rifle Ranges There is an...

Late Abortion Cases – Sentencing

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In July 2023, the Court of Appeal quashed a sentence of 28 months imprisonment and substituted a sentence of 14 months imprisonment, suspended for two years. The case concerned an...

Cyclists In the Spotlight

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On the 12th September 2023, Andrea Leadsom MP posed this question to Edward Argar MP who is a Minister of State in the Ministry of Justice: ‘What conversations has my...

Rule of Law is under “grave threat”

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Cross-party legal reform charity, JUSTICE has this week published a landmark report describing how the rule of law in the UK has “regressed significantly on multiple fronts” and threatens the...
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