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Accused of Sexual Harassment at Work

It is important to be aware that sexual harassment at work is not just an employment law issue, but often a serious criminal matter. Consequently, if you’ve been accused of sexual harassment in the workplace, receiving support from expert sexual offences solicitors is essential.

At Nelson Guest, we understand that these types of accusations can be extremely humiliating and stressful, having a far-reaching impact on your life.

Our experts have experience defending clients against a wide range of allegations. We prioritise personalised support, closely based on your situation. You can trust our lawyers to provide straightforward advice on your outlook and position.

To discuss your needs today, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our sexual harassment at work solicitors. You can call us on 020 8309 5010 or email

Why choose us?

Our sexual harassment at work lawyers have many years of experience dealing with workplace sexual harassment cases. We know that such cases are extremely delicate in nature, and will always adopt a sensitive and constructive approach.

Our experts have been able to clear clients of a diverse range of charges concerning sexual harassment at the workplace, calling on our expertise to build a strong case. At Nelson Guest, we know that our clients want to feel supported. We will make certain that your concerns are understood and will keep you informed as your situation develops and your case progresses.

At Nelson Guest, our aim is to provide an excellent, quality service and value for your money. Our criminal defence department has an excellent track record when it comes to helping clients achieve a favourable outcome.

Our sexual harassment at work lawyers can help with all areas of support that an accused client may need, including:

  • Legal advice for those who’ve been accused of sexual harassment at the workplace
  • Support to build a case and develop a strong defence
  • Representing a client in Court where necessary
  • Negotiating with the prosecution to reach a more favourable settlement for the client
  • Preparing and filing all legal documents required for the legal processes and case

Frequently asked questions about sexual harassment in the workplace

What is sexual harassment at work?

Under UK law, an individual (A) is considered to have sexually harassed another individual (B) if, ‘A’ partakes in behaviour of a sexual nature towards ‘B’ and this conduct is unwanted. It must also be the case that the conduct has the effect or intention of creating an environment that is degrading, offensive, humiliating, hostile, intimidating, or a violation of B’s dignity.

Examples of sexual harassment in the workplace might include:

  • Requesting sexual activity or dates
  • Verbal harassment in a sexual manner, including sexual comments or jokes
  • Physical contact or touching that is unwanted
  • Promising certain employment benefits based on providing sexual favours
  • Unwanted sexual text messages (sexting)
  • Stalking

A situation can also be viewed as sexual harassment where the behaviour by (A) is not targeted at the individual (B), directly. For instance, when pornography is shown in a workplace, and this creates an environment which B finds hostile or intimidating.

What if the behaviour did not take place in the workplace?

Sexual harassment in the workplace covers behaviour both at work and during work social events. However, the behaviour does not necessarily need to have taken place in either of these settings to be considered sexual harassment in the workplace. For example, if one colleague (A) is stalking or sending unwanted messages of a sexual nature to their colleague (B) outside of work.

What happens if you’ve been accused of sexual harassment at work?

If you have been accused of sexual harassment at the workplace, your employer will start by conducting an informal investigation which will then usually escalate to a formal investigation, along with a disciplinary process and hearing.

It is likely that a lawyer will be consulted during the investigation, to ensure that both the accused and the alleged victim have the chance to be heard and that the investigative process is fair.

Where an individual is found guilty of sexual harassment in the workplace they may receive a warning, whether written or verbal. Where the type of sexual harassment and situation is considered more serious, they may be dismissed for gross misconduct and be reported to the police who will proceed to conduct a criminal investigation.

Whether or not the police are involved in your case, and whether you are eventually prosecuted for a criminal offence depends on the type of sexual harassment, the circumstances, the available evidence, and your defence.

If you are questioned by the police or arrested, it is vital that you contact an experienced sexual offences solicitor.

What should I do if I’ve been accused of sexual harassment at work?

Being accused of sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious situation. If you are being investigated in the workplace for such an offence, you are well advised to seek legal advice early on.

If the police are not currently involved in your case, they may well become involved later on as matters escalate. Under these circumstances, you will need an experienced expert to defend you.

Our specialist solicitors at Nelson Guest have worked with many clients who’ve been accused of sexual harassment at work, putting us in the ideal position to offer the tailor-made support you need.

As soon as you instruct us, if necessary and a viable option, we will negotiate with the police, in an attempt to have your charges dropped. This may be possible on various grounds, for instance, where there is a lack of evidence to pursue prosecution.

Contact our solicitors

To get in contact with our sensitive and professional sexual harassment at work lawyers in London, you can call our office on 020 8309 5010 or use our contact form.