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Child Sexual Abuse Solicitors

If you’ve been accused of a child sexual abuse offence, it is incredibly important that you contact an expert child sexual abuse solicitor immediately. Being accused of such is incredibly serious, and you will need excellent legal support to build your defence.

Our team acknowledge that these accusations can have disastrous repercussions on every area of your life. Rest assured, we always take a practical and sensitive approach and will do all that we can to help you.

At Nelson Guest, we have much experience defending clients in a diverse range of cases. We will align our support with your situation specifically, always offering an honest opinion on your options and position.

If you are seeking legal advice, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our child sexual abuse lawyers at Nelson Guest. You can call us on 020 8309 5010 or email

Why choose us?

Our child sexual abuse solicitors have many years of experience handling child sexual abuse cases. We appreciate that these cases are extremely sensitive in nature, and we always move through the legal proceedings with care.

We know that in difficult times such as these, our clients need to feel that they have our full support. We will always make certain that your worries are addressed, and your concerns are listened to. Your solicitor will provide detailed information about your case progress as we work on building your defence.

At Nelson Guest, we understand that being accused of sexual activity with a child is extremely distressing. Our goal is always to ensure that the necessary legal proceedings are conducted as smoothly as possible, avoiding any additional stress.

Our aim is to provide an excellent quality service and value for your money. Our criminal defence department has an excellent track record when it comes to helping clients achieve a favourable outcome.

Our child sexual abuse solicitors cover all areas of support that an accused client may need, including:

  • Legal advice for those who’ve been accused of sexual offences against children
  • Support to build a case and develop a strong defence
  • Representing a client in Court
  • Negotiating with the prosecution to reach a more favourable settlement for the client
  • Preparing and filing all legal documents required for the legal processes and case

If you have any questions about the legal processes, our child sexual abuse lawyers can answer them promptly.

Frequently asked questions

What is defined as a child sexual offence?

Under UK law, there are a number of different child sex offences, and these are categorised according to various factors, including how old the alleged victim is, the type of sexual activity, and what relationship the accused has with the alleged victim.

The Sentencing Council categorise such offences in the following way:

Offences where the victim is a child under 13

  • Rape of a child under 13
  • Assault of a child under 13 by penetration
  • Sexual assault of a child under 13
  • Inciting or causing a child under 13 to take part in sexual activity

Offences where the victim is a child aged 13-15

  • Inciting or causing a child to take part in sexual activity
  • Sexual activity with a child

Offences against a family member who is a child

  • Inciting or causing a family member who is a child to take part in sexual activity
  • Sexual activity with a family member who is a child

The Sentencing Council also categorises child sexual offences as the following:

  • Where a child sexual offence has occurred due to the perpetrator abusing a position of trust
  • Child sexual offences where a child witnesses sexual activity, for instance, inciting or causing a child to watch a sexual act
  • Child grooming offences, for instance, where a person meets up with a child after having groomed them
  • Where the offence involves child pornography, such as possessing indecent photographs of a child
  • Offences involving child exploitation, for instance, the perpetrator has paid to engage in sexual activity with a child

If you have been accused of such an offence, it is imperative that you speak to a child sex offence lawyer right away.

What are the sentencing guidelines for child sexual offences?

The sentencing guidelines for child sexual offences vary according to the type of offence. The most severe charges, including assault by penetration and rape, can result in life imprisonment.

A charge of meeting a child following grooming can result in up to 10 years imprisonment, as can possessing indecent photographs of children.

The penalty also depends on the level of perceived harm and culpability. Under child sexual abuse law, factors that impact the sentence and its severity, as established by the Sentencing Council, include:

Level of Culpability:

  • Offences involving a significant degree of planning
  • Offences where the perpetrator has used drugs or alcohol on the victim
  • Cases where there has been previous violence towards the victim
  • Offences that are considered to be aggravated by religion or race

Level of Harm:

  • To what extent the victim experienced psychological and or physical harm due to the offence
  • Offences where the perpetrator threatened or used violence towards the victim
  • Cases where the perpetrator forced entry into the victim’s home
  • Offences involving the abduction of the victim

What should I do if I’ve been accused of a child sexual offence?

If you have been accused of such a serious crime, it is important to work with an expert child sexual abuse lawyer. Our solicitors at Nelson Guest can support you to build your defence, guiding you through the legal processes, and explaining your options and outlook.

You are not advised to answer any police questions without your solicitor with you. Doing so may unintentionally compromise your defence.

Contact our child sexual abuse lawyers

To get in contact with our sensitive and professional child sexual abuse solicitors in London, you can call our office on 020 8309 5010 or use our contact form.