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Voyeurism Offence Solicitors

Voyeurism refers to an individual gaining sexual gratification or arousal by non-consensually recording or watching another individual carrying out a private act. The private act in question could be of a sexual nature, or another act that a person would do in private, such as showering or undressing.

At Nelson Guest, we appreciate that being accused of voyeurism can be a stressful experience, leaving you wondering what your legal options are.

Our specialist voyeurism offence solicitors have much experience defending clients against a wide range of voyeurism accusations. We ensure to provide tailor-fit support, closely based on your circumstances. When you work with us, you’ll receive a clear breakdown of your position and a straightforward explanation of what to expect throughout the legal stages.

To discuss your needs today, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our voyeurism offences solicitors in London. You can call us on 020 8309 5010 or email

Why choose us?

Our expert solicitors have plenty of experience working with clients who’ve been accused of voyeurism offences.

We appreciate that these cases are extremely sensitive, and as such will always approach your case carefully, whilst actively listening to your concerns.

We have been able to clear clients of a diverse range of voyeurism charges, using our high-level expertise to develop a strong case. We will gain a detailed understanding of your situation, allowing us to provide bespoke legal support.

At Nelson Guest, our aim is to provide an excellent, quality service and value for your money. Our criminal defence department has an excellent track record when it comes to helping clients achieve a favourable outcome.

Our voyeurism offence solicitors can provide help with all areas of support that an accused client may need, including:

  • Legal advice for those who’ve been accused of a voyeurism offence
  • Support to build a case and develop a strong defence
  • Representing a client in Court where necessary
  • Negotiating with the prosecution to reach a more favourable settlement for the client
  • Preparing and filing all legal documents required for the legal processes and case

Frequently asked questions about voyeurism

What is voyeurism?

Voyeurism means that an individual has gained sexual gratification or arousal through non-consensually recording or watching another individual carrying out a private act. The act may be of a sexual nature, or simply an act that a person would usually do in private.

A voyeurism offence is a crime, and it is important that those who have been accused have legal experts on side, helping them to build a strong defence. Please contact our voyeurism offence solicitors for more information.

How common is voyeurism?

It is difficult to gauge how common different types of voyeurism are, since not all instances may be reported, recorded or prosecuted.

Regardless, data that we do have indicates that voyeurism is a fairly common occurrence. For instance, ‘721 up skirting crimes’ were recorded across 2021 and 2022 in the UK and Wales.

An offence of voyeurism is serious, and so if you have been accused, it is important that you get in contact with a specialist solicitor right away.

What does it mean to commit an act of voyeurism?

If a person has committed an act of voyeurism, this means that they have gained sexual gratification from watching another person or people, engaged in a private act. In the context of voyeurism, private acts are often sexual, but could also involve watching someone naked or undressing. The act is considered voyeurism when the act is non-consensual.

Is voyeurism a criminal offence?

Yes, under the Voyeurism Offences Act 2019 and the Sexual Offences Act 2003, voyeurism is deemed a crime. Voyeurism legislation covers different types of voyeurism, all of which are considered as offences.

The Voyeurism Act 2019 establishes voyeurism as a crime in the context of ‘upskirting’. An individual is considered to have committed a voyeurism offence if they use equipment underneath the clothing of another individual, and with the purpose of observing that individual’s buttocks or genitals, whether clothed or exposed.

These offences are usually committed with mobile phones, and could involve taking a photograph or a video. For the act to be considered voyeurism, it must be non-consensual.

The Sexual Offences Act 2003 establishes voyeurism as a crime, yet focuses on a different way that voyeurism is committed. Under this act, it is a crime to non-consensually observe or record someone who is engaged in a private act, for the purpose of sexual gratification. This private act might be a sexual act, or another act that an individual would usually do in private, for example showering.

If you have been accused of voyeurism it is important that you seek help from a specialist solicitor. As experts in voyeurism law, we are in the ideal position to provide the support that you need.

What are the voyeurism sentencing guidelines?

A voyeurism sentence depends on the particulars of the case and the perceived seriousness of the offence. Those who are convicted for this crime could receive a fine, or receive a prison sentence of up to two years in the most serious cases.

As described by the Sentencing Council, the voyeurism sentencing guidelines depend on what the court perceive to be the level of culpability and harm. For instance, offences are deemed as indicative of ‘raised harm’ where the images taken can be viewed by other people, or where the victim has been recorded or watched whilst in their home.

A voyeurism offence is viewed as indicative of ‘raised culpability’ where any of the following factors are present, (though this is not an exhaustive list):

  • A significant amount of planning is evident
  • Images of the individual have been recorded
  • The offence involves the abuse of trust
  • The offence involves targeting a person who is especially vulnerable

Our voyeurism offence solicitors have substantial expertise in voyeurism UK Law. If you require more information and support, you can get in touch using the details provided below.

Contact our voyeurism offence solicitors in London

To get in contact with our sensitive and professional voyeurism solicitors in London, you can call our office on 020 8309 5010 or use our contact form.